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Vous avez une tumeur neuro endocrine.
Peer Support and Consultation Groups. People in Recovery and Loved Ones. APTED and EDRC Support Groups. The Support Groups section of our website is still under construction. In the meantime, if you would like to know what support groups are available through APTED and those support groups sponsored by the EDRC, you can download a listing of them here.
Death Knell of the SLS. My name is Dan Apted and I use this site to promote my various business interests, political and scientific viewpoints, and to tilt at windmills which is another way of saying to persue an agenda that is highly unlikely to succeed. I plan to modify and personalize this site regularly so please plan on checking back in from time to time.
APT Education society is IsO-9001-2000 Certified. Authorized to run the UGC courses offered by Kurukshetra University. Representatives of ACC and fullfill the requirements of Australian Careers College. Authorised study center of Karnataka State Open University for IT, Management and journalism Courses.
Tere tulemast Raja apteeki! OÜ Raja apteek on asutatud 1996. Tänaseni oleme suutnud olla sõltumatud nii ketiapteekidest kui ka väliskapitalist. Vaatamata sellele, on kollektiivil koos apteekrist omanikuga õnnestunud hoida soodsaid hindu ja laia kaubavalikut. Meie abivalmid, sõbralikud ja kogenud apteekrid jagavad kasulikke nõuandeid ning aitavad leida optimaalseimat ravimit.